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KBTG - Microsoft in advancing K PLUS

KASIKORN Business-Technology Group (KBTG) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Microsoft Thailand Limited to capitalize on the Microsoft platform for K PLUS development. The cooperative effort aims to enhance the efficiency of the K PLUS application in order to accommodate the anticipated increase in users with world-class security standards. The move sets a milestone for planning towards a long-term synergy for technology development to provide K PLUS users across all the AEC+3 countries access to financial services with enhanced stability and trustworthiness. The number of K PLUS users is expected to reach 40 million by 2027. 

Mrs. Voranuch Dejakaisaya, KBTG Executive Chairman, noted that there are now more than 18 million K PLUS users, and the K PLUS application can accommodate ongoing growth in both domestic and international transactions. Prioritizing system development and customer data privacy, KBTG is determined to continue elevating K PLUS standards. In parallel, it is preparing to extend its reach to customers in the AEC+3 region, starting with Vietnam and Indonesia.KBTG has thus signed an MOUwith Microsoft Thailand Ltd. to forge a synergy of the two organizations’ knowledge and capabilities and to capitalize on the Microsoft platform for K PLUS development in support of the rapidly growing number of K PLUS users. This cooperation also aims to fortify K PLUS security in accordance with internationally accepted standards, and to create excellent experiences for customers with personalized offerings by means of AI and machine learning’s speedy and accurate processing. K PLUS is expected to build on its status as a nationally competitive platform and to be developed as a regional financial application in response to the growing number of users in other countries within AEC+3, which will likely reach 40 million by 2027. 

Mr. Dhanawat Suthumpun, Managing Director of Microsoft Thailand Limited, said Microsoft is pleased that KBank and KBTG have shown confidence in Microsoft’s technology to assist in the expansion of K PLUS , which is deemed as an important engine to drive both improved customer experiences and KBank’s growth amid the digital era. Microsoft Thailand will use its world-class technologies and expertise to enhance the efficiency of K PLUS through structural-based flexibility in order to facilitate KBank’s business expansion drive in Thailand and the region. Concurrently, it will work with its business and trade partners, who have expertise in financial and data analytics solutions, to create innovations that will help KBank upgrade the provision of customer services. Additionally, Microsoft Thailand will collaborate with KBank in the security improvement of basic technology infrastructure, with the aim of building confidence among customers in line with international standards. 

Ms. Voranuch added that in terms of progress in the development of digital services at the regional level after KBTG set up K-TECH, K PLUS  Vietnam has been launched to meet demand in the Vietnamese market. In the future, the K PLUS platform will be expanded to facilitate users in other countries within the AEC+3 region so that they can also make use of its stable and secure services.